A study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding healthy lifestyle practices to prevent cancer among degree students at selected colleges, Bangalore
Renukadevi Murthy
Aim: A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programmed (STP) on knowledge regarding healthy lifestyle practices to prevent cancer among degree students at selected college, Bangalore.
Methods: An evaluative approach with pre experimental – one group pretest and posttest design and convenient sampling technique was used to select 60 degree students from selected colleges, Bangalore. The Structured Knowledge Questionnaire was administered to assess the pretest knowledge and STP was administered by the researcher. On the 8th day post test was conducted by using the same tool. Each subject took 35 minutes to complete the knowledge questionnaire. The data was analyzed by using paired and unpaired t test to find the effectiveness and chi square test was used to find the association with demographic variables.
Results: The data reveals that majority of the respondents in the pretest, 40 (66.9%) had inadequate knowledge followed by 20 (33.3%) had moderate knowledge, while none of them had adequate knowledge regarding healthy lifestyle practices to prevent cancer. In the posttest 58 (96.7%) had adequate knowledge regarding healthy lifestyle practices to prevent cancer followed by 2(3.3%) of degree students had moderately adequate knowledge and there were none with inadequate knowledge. The overall mean percentage for pretest score was 48% (14.40) and the overall mean percentage for post test score was 37.1% (11.13).overall improvement with the calculated ‘t’ value24.67 which is found to be statistically significant at the level of p<0.05.Chi square test revealed that there is statistically significant association found between the pretest knowledge score of degree students with selected demographic variable age in years at level of p<0.05. Hence, the researcher accepted the research hypothesis (H2) with regard to the above variable.
Interpretation and Conclusion: The study shows that an overall improvement and an enhancement of knowledge in all the aspects regarding healthy lifestyle practices among degree students. Hence the research hypothesis stated that, there is a significant difference between pretest and posttest level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding healthy lifestyle practices to prevent cancer was accepted.
Renukadevi Murthy. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding healthy lifestyle practices to prevent cancer among degree students at selected colleges, Bangalore. Int J Adv Res Med Surg Nurs 2024;6(1):20-25. DOI: 10.33545/surgicalnursing.2024.v6.i1a.163