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International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing

P-ISSN: 2663-225X, E-ISSN: 2663-2268
International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing
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2023, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part B

A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module (SIM) on knowledge regarding selected transdermal patches among staff nurses at selected

Mahalaxshmi Murthy

Aim: A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Self Instructional Module (SIM) on knowledge regarding selected transdermal patches among staff nurses at selected hospitals, Bangalore.
Methods: An evaluative approach with quasi experimental – one group pre-test and post-test design and purposive sampling technique was used to select 60 staff nurses working in Columbia Asia Referral Hospital Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore. The Structured Knowledge Questionnaire structured knowledge questionnaire was administered to assess the pretest knowledge and SIM was distributed. On the 8th day post-test was conducted by using the same tool. Each subject took 35 minutes to complete the knowledge questionnaire. The data was analyzed by using paired and unpaired t test to find the effectiveness and chi square test was used to find the association with demographic variables.
Results: The data reveals that majority of the respondents in the pre-test, 39 (65%) had inadequate knowledge followed by 21 (35%) had moderate knowledge, while none of them had adequate knowledge regarding selected transdermal patches. In the post-test 60 (100%) had adequate knowledge regarding selected transdermal patches. The overall mean percentage for pre-test score was 45.43 (13.22) and the overall mean percentage for post-test score was 89.26 (5.06). Overall improvement mean percentage was 43.83% with the calculated ‘t’ value 25.336. Which is found to be statistically significant at the level of p<0.05. Chi square test revealed that there is statistically significant association found between the pre-test knowledge score of staff nurses with selected demographic variables like age in years, gender, education and total years of experience at the level of p<0.05. Hence, the researcher accepted the research hypothesis (H2) with regard to the above variables.
Interpretation and Conclusion: The study shows that an overall improvement and an enhancement of knowledge in all the aspects of selected transdermal patches among staff nurses. Hence the research hypothesis stated that, there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test level of knowledge of staff nurses regarding selected Transdermal Patches is accepted.
Pages : 103-106 | 673 Views | 298 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing
How to cite this article:
Mahalaxshmi Murthy. A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module (SIM) on knowledge regarding selected transdermal patches among staff nurses at selected. Int J Adv Res Med Surg Nurs 2023;5(2):103-106. DOI: 10.33545/surgicalnursing.2023.v5.i2b.145
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