A study to assess the effectiveness of video-assisted teaching (VAT) on Knowledge and Pre-procedure Anxiety level among patients undergoing Gastro Endoscopy in People’s Hospital of Bhopal, (M.P.)
Kanchan Yadav, Alka Rai and Mousmi S Lendhe
Background of the study: Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy is a very common procedure performed all over the world. The main indication for Endoscopy is the detection of diseases of the GI tract but also to screen clients at risk or the unaffected general population. Anxieties in patient results due to a lack of awareness and knowledge about the procedure and fear of discomfort or pain.
Methodology: The research approach for the study was quantitative research approach, the research design used was one group pretest and posttest design, and the population of the study was patients undergoing Gastro Endoscopy in People’s Hospital of Bhopal, 30 samples selected for the study by using quasi-experimental research design and simple random sampling technique. The tool used for data collection was Socio-demographic variables, a Self-structured Knowledge questionnaire and Hamilton’s Anxiety assessment scale to assess the Knowledge and Pre-procedure Anxiety level among the patients undergoing Gastro Endoscopy. The pilot study was feasible in terms of time, money, material and resources.
Results: With respect to Video assisted teaching, the statistical paired ‘t’ test implies that the difference in the pre-test and post-test value was found statistically significant at a 5% level (p<0.05) with a paired ‘t’ value of 9.371 and 24.783 respectively. There was a statistical significance in the mean differences and the Standard deviation on Knowledge reveals that 8.70 with a Standard deviation of 1.97 was seen in the Pre-test Knowledge score which was significant. 13.73 Mean difference with 2.586 Standard deviations was seen in the Post-test Knowledge level. And a comparison of Mean differences and Standard deviation on Pre-procedure Anxiety level reveals that 25.90 with 24.783 Standard deviation was seen in Pre-test Pre-procedure Anxiety level which was significant. 14.03 Mean difference with a 2.076 Standard deviation was seen in the Post-test Pre-procedure Anxiety level.
Conclusion: In this study, Video-assisted teaching is a method of teaching used to teach patients regarding Gastro Endoscopy. Video-assisted teaching refers to multimedia teaching in which organized and sequential representation of information regarding Gastro Endoscopy.
Kanchan Yadav, Alka Rai, Mousmi S Lendhe. A study to assess the effectiveness of video-assisted teaching (VAT) on Knowledge and Pre-procedure Anxiety level among patients undergoing Gastro Endoscopy in People’s Hospital of Bhopal, (M.P.). Int J Adv Res Med Surg Nurs 2023;5(2):46-51. DOI: 10.33545/surgicalnursing.2023.v5.i2a.138