A quasi experimental study on effectiveness of thrombophob ointment with & without hot fomentation in preventing local complications of IV cannulisation among patients on intravenous therapy
Devendra Singh Lodhi and Dr. Neeraj Kumar Bansal
Background of the Study: Intravenous (IV) therapy is an integral part of modern medicine and is practiced in virtually every healthcare setting, dealing with critical and general ailments of a community. Majority of the IV drugs are administered by nurses, who are increasingly involved in the insertion of peripheral vascular access devices. The widespread use of IV therapy can lead to complacency about the risks and may result in poor standards of practice, putting patients at risk of clinical harm and making nurses vulnerable to a claim of negligence.
Methodology: In order to achieve the objectives of the study the study design was factorial time series design. The sample consisted of 40 subjects (20 in each group-1 & group-2) who had developed mild symptoms of intravenous complication, selected by convenience sampling technique. In this study the dependent variables were complications of IV cannulation. The independent variables were two modalities of treatment (thrombophob ointment & hot fomentation). The pre-test score was assessed before treatment and treatment was given for two consecutive days. The post-test data were analysed using statistical tests like One-way ANOVA and T-Test.
Results: The mean value of pre-test of Group-I is 7.650, the SD is 1.843 and mean value of post test of group-I is 3.633, the SD is 1.070 and the‘t’ value of Group I is 15.325. The obtained ‘t’ value is greater than table value of t (18) = 2.09. So thrombophob with hot fomentation is effective in reducing complications of IV cannulation. The mean value of pre-test of Group – II is 7.950, the SD is 1.637 and mean value of post test of group-II is 4.166, the SD is 0.0861 and the ‘t’ value of Group II is 12.281. The obtained ‘t’ value is greater than table value of t (18) = 2.09. So thrombophob without hot fomentation is effective in reducing complications of IV cannulation. In order to find out the significant difference between the two scores in group I and group II unpaired ‘t’ test value was computed. The obtained ‘t’ value is lower than the table value of T (38)= 2.02. Calculated value is less than the table value so there is no significant difference between the two interventions provided by the researcher. There is no association between the mean differences & the selected background factors among patients on intravenous therapy in experimental group-I & experimental group -II.
Interpretation and Conclusion: The investigator had chosen two modalities of treatment to prevent local complications of IV cannulisation. The study reiterated that both the interventions (Thrombophob ointment with & without hot fomentation) are effective in preventing local complications of IV cannulisation. This result should be incorporated practically and introduced as evidenced-based practice to students and nurses.
Devendra Singh Lodhi, Dr. Neeraj Kumar Bansal. A quasi experimental study on effectiveness of thrombophob ointment with & without hot fomentation in preventing local complications of IV cannulisation among patients on intravenous therapy. Int J Adv Res Med Surg Nurs 2023;5(2):01-06. DOI: 10.33545/surgicalnursing.2023.v5.i2a.130