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International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing

P-ISSN: 2663-225X, E-ISSN: 2663-2268
International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing
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2023, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part B

A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding organ donation among B.Sc. nursing students, at government college of nursing BIMS, Belagavi

Govind Lamani and Dr. Meenaxi R Devangmat

A lot of people find organ donation a difficult subject to discuss, a bit like talking about death or making a will. Perhaps this is because at the time one or more people are receiving a donor kidney, heart, another family is suffering a tragic loss. However, it is a vital issue that affects thousands of people. Organ donation is the donation of biological tissue or an organ of the human body from a living or dead person to a living recipient in need of a transplantation. The main aim of the study was to provide knowledge regarding organ donation among young student nurses, so that they get motivated and motivate others towards organ donation and help in saving the lives of people who are in need.
A study was conducted on knowledge and attitude of medical, nursing, dentistry and health technician students regarding organ donation. Using self-administered questionnaire data was collected; the post test was conducted with same questionnaire. The study result shows that 65.5% were willing, 9% were not willing, 25.5% were hesitant about organ donation and 6% of willing students reported carrying a signed card. There was significant association between willingness regarding organ donation and gender whereas age was not associated. The study concluded that students had poor knowledge on information about organ donation.
Pages : 83-90 | 1270 Views | 793 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing
How to cite this article:
Govind Lamani, Dr. Meenaxi R Devangmat. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding organ donation among B.Sc. nursing students, at government college of nursing BIMS, Belagavi. Int J Adv Res Med Surg Nurs 2023;5(1):83-90. DOI: 10.33545/surgicalnursing.2023.v5.i1b.120
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