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International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing

P-ISSN: 2663-225X, E-ISSN: 2663-2268
International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing
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2022, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part B

Assess the knowledge regarding prevention of complications of thyroid disorders among women attending endocrine OPD, MGM hospital, Warangal, Telangana

V Rajamani and Dr. Koushal Dave

Prevention is better than cure. A Non- experimental descriptive study was undertaken to "Assess the Knowledge regarding prevention of complications of thyroid disorders among women attending endocrine OPD, MGM hospital, Warangal, Telangana”. Objectives of the study were to assess the knowledge of women regarding prevention of complications of thyroid disorders, identify the relationship between the knowledge level of women regarding prevention of complications of thyroid disorders with selected variables, develop and distribute an information module on prevention of complications of thyroid disorders. The research design used for the present study was non-experimental descriptive study. The method adopted for the present study was split half method using Karl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient formula and the reliability was found to be r=1. Purposive sampling method was used to select the sample for data collection. The data was analyzed with the help of descriptive statistical method. The results of the study revealed that 53.3% of women were having below average level of knowledge, 40% of women were having average level of knowledge and 6.7% of women were having above average level of knowledge regarding prevention of complications of thyroid disorders. The chi-square test was done to find out the relationship between the knowledge of women regarding prevention of complications of thyroid disorders with selected variables. The result of Chi- square test revealed that there was no significant relationship between the knowledge levels of women with selected variables as the Chi-square values under 0.05 probability was less than table value. Hence, null hypothesis was accepted and research hypothesis was rejected. In conclusion the investigators had developed and distributed an information module on prevention of complications of thyroid disorders and educated the women those who were under average and below average level of knowledge scores.
Pages : 99-102 | 959 Views | 454 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing
How to cite this article:
V Rajamani, Dr. Koushal Dave. Assess the knowledge regarding prevention of complications of thyroid disorders among women attending endocrine OPD, MGM hospital, Warangal, Telangana. Int J Adv Res Med Surg Nurs 2022;4(2):99-102. DOI: 10.33545/surgicalnursing.2022.v4.i2b.102
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