Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding organ donation
Deepali Sudhakar More and Shubhangi Malavade
Introduction: Organ donation is a life-giving process and a decision to donate organs can not only change someone’s life, but also have an impact on people associated with the individual waiting for an organ. Organ donation has proved to be a miracle for the society. Organs such as kidneys, heart, eyes, liver, small intestine, bone tissues, skin tissues, and veins are donated for the purpose of transplantation. The donor gives a new life to the recipient by the way of this noble act. Organ donation is encouraged worldwide.
Methods: The aim of this experimental study was to Assess Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding organ donation among teachers. The study was Quasi-experimental one group pre-test post-test research in nature. Quantitative research approach was adopted for study. Sample size was 60, 11th and 12th junior science teachers. Non- probability convenient sampling technique was used for the collection of data. A prior formal permission was obtained from the concerned college authority for conducting the study. Informed consent of all the participants was obtained prior to the study. A 30 minute prior to the intervention the pre-test was conducted. The structured teaching programme regarding Organ donation were provided to the sample. After seven days of intervention, post-test was conducted.
Result: Study results depicted that on comparing pre-test and post-test scores, it showed effectiveness of structured teaching programme by 23.4%. The difference in mean scores were 6.58 and the calculated z value was 15.09. The data indicated that teachers on receiving structured teaching programme on Organ donation had higher mean knowledge scores in post- test than in pre-test. Chi-square test shows that there was only significant association between the years of experience of teachers and knowledge score regarding organ donation.
Conclusion:It can be concluded that the structured teaching programme on Organ donation has proved to be effective in delivering knowledge.
Deepali Sudhakar More, Shubhangi Malavade. Effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding organ donation. Int J Adv Res Med Surg Nurs 2021;3(2):90-93. DOI: 10.33545/surgicalnursing.2021.v3.i2b.77