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International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing

P-ISSN: 2663-225X, E-ISSN: 2663-2268
International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing
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2020, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part B

Effectiveness of foot massage on blood pressure among patients with hypertension

Ruban David, Nithya M and Velayutham P

The present study aims to determine the effectiveness of foot massage on blood pressure among patient with hypertension at mappedu. A quantitative quasi experimental research design was used for the present study. A total of 30 hypertension clients who fall into the inclusion criteria was selected as samples by using purposive sampling technique among which 30 samples in the experimental group. The demographic data variables was collected in the group, followed by that the pretest was conducted on before monitoring blood pressure, immediately after the foot massage the intensity level of blood pressure the group was assessed by using systolic pressure and diastolic pressure was initated in the experimental group. The post test was conducted on the day by day after foot massage and the intensity level of blood pressure was assessed by using the sphygmomanometer in experimental group. The results of the study revealed that there is an significant reduction in the intensity level of blood pressure at the level of p<.0001 after the intervention among experimental group. Thus, the study proves that foot massage can be used as an effective nursing intervention for reducing the blood pressure among the hypertension clients and it is a easily applicable technique and also considered as cost effective method with no side effects.
Pages : 82-84 | 1680 Views | 879 Downloads

International Journal of Advance Research in Medical Surgical Nursing
How to cite this article:
Ruban David, Nithya M, Velayutham P. Effectiveness of foot massage on blood pressure among patients with hypertension. Int J Adv Res Med Surg Nurs 2020;2(2):82-84. DOI: 10.33545/surgicalnursing.2020.v2.i2b.49
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