Assess the knowledge and practice on foot self-care among patients with diabetic mellitus
Dr. Thenmozhi P and Padi Munya
Introduction: Diabetic foot is one of the most significant and devastating complications of diabetes. The incidence of occurrence of diabetic foot ulcer is closely related with knowledge on self-management of foot care to carry out appropriate tasks focused on foot care and self-foot examination. Hence the study was conducted with the aimed to assess the level of knowledge and practice on foot self-care among patients with diabetes mellitus admitted in Saveetha Medical College and Hospital.
Materials and Methods: Hospital based cross-sectional study was carried out with 60 samples that met the inclusion criteria were selected using convenience sampling technique. Demographic variables were collected followed by variables associated with knowledge and practice on foot self-car was assessed by using multiple choice questionnaire and observational checklist. Interview method was adopted to collect the data on one to one basis. The data were tabulated and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: The finding of the study reveals that out of 60 participants, 9(15%) had adequate knowledge and best practice of foot self-care. There is a statistically significant (P<0.05) positive correlation between the knowledge and practice on foot self-care and the level of knowledge had significant associated with the duration illness.
Conclusion: The findings of the current study concluded that level knowledge and practice on foot self-care was not satisfactory which is an emerging need for implementation an educational programme based on national policy on diabetic foot management and increase compliance would help to improve their self-care management of foot care.
Dr. Thenmozhi P, Padi Munya. Assess the knowledge and practice on foot self-care among patients with diabetic mellitus. Int J Adv Res Med Surg Nurs 2020;2(2):36-39. DOI: 10.33545/surgicalnursing.2020.v2.i2a.44